Higher education and agricultural training

Beauvaisis, a committed territory for the success and future of students

The community of agglomeration has aimed to define the local strategy for higher education, research, and innovation, which has led to the creation of the SLESRI (Local Scheme for Higher Education, Research, and Innovation)

Its main purpose is to structure and develop the training offerings in order to optimize the alignment between educational programs and the skill needs of the economic actors in the region, who are job creators.


Training and students' pathways

  1. Facilitating the deployment of orientation-focused initiatives
  2. Establishing a Connected Campus
  3. Organizing meetings between students and the professional world

Living environment

  1. Adapting public transportation services to the needs of students
  2. Developing easily accessible 'healthcare and social' services for students
  3. Providing students with a culture and sports pass
  4. Bringing together the student community through occasional events

Creation of new educational programs

  1. Assessing the opportunities for creating new educational programs in Beauvaisis
  2. Supporting the establishment of new educational programs in Beauvaisis
  3. Organizing a job and training conference

Talent seed

  1. Initiating and supporting entrepreneurial dynamics
  2. Supporting and promoting student initiatives

Focus on the
student orientation day

Since 2008, the Beauvaisis Agglomeration Community and the City of Beauvais have been organizing the Student Orientation Day at the end of September. Through this initiative, students meet each other and get to know other schools as well as the activities and services available in the region (transport network, student associations, leisure venues, etc.)

In a festive atmosphere, these new arrivals (approximately 800) enjoy a variety of activities and have the chance to win numerous prizes every year.


Agricultural training programs in Beauvaisis

The Beauvaisis Agglomeration Community hosts several secondary and higher education institutions (middle schools, general and technical high schools, professional high schools, universities, training institutes, BTS programs…) including two recognized agricultural education institutions:

Oise Agricultural High School

Beauvais Campus

Engineering Degrees

Bachelor’s Degree


The CFPPA (Professional and Agricultural Promotion Training Center)

The CFPPA of Oise is part of the Agricultural High School of Oise, a Local Public Establishment for Agricultural Education and Professional Training that includes four activity centers at its Airion and Beauvais locations.

It is associated with the:

Campus UniLaSalle

UniLaSalle Campus

UniLaSalle is a member of the La Salle network, the largest international education network in the world (1500 institutions in 82 countries). Focusing on higher education, the international association of Lasallian universities brings together all these institutions around common values and pedagogical methods.

Associated institutions:

Open up the possibilities with

An individual and collective workspace, close to their homes, to take remote courses in higher education while benefiting from local support.

The Campus Connecté (Connected Campus) program offers a wide range of distance education programs (BTS, DUT, bachelor’s, master’s…) and certifications. All major disciplinary fields are accessible, including agriculture and new technologies. So why not embark on the adventure!

Examples of programs: BTSA Viticulture – Enology / Bachelor’s in Technology and Robot Usage / Master’s in Artificial Intelligence Integrated in Business

In practice, applicants must first enroll in a distance learning program through a school or university (via ‘Parcoursup’ or otherwise). They will then continue their studies at the Beauvaisis Connected Campus and, upon request, can benefit from Rev’Agro’s connections.